Information Needed on these Services
Nmap's Service and Application Version Detection scanning engine (-sV
) is built on community contributions. Sometimes, we get contributions that we don't fully understand, or that need more samples to have a complete fingerprint. If you have access to or knowledge of any of the following services, please submit a detailed fingerprint to help improve our database!
Need information
3333/tcp on Netgear routers
Responds to every probe, including NULL (empty packet). Example responses:
4320NTP05:36:19, Apr 15, 2014MAC00-00-00-00-00-00
Need information or more samples
4223/tcp Tinkerforge Brick Daemon (brickd)
We have one sample, but need info on the protocol structure. Other samples (when Brick devices are present -- otherwise replies are empty) would help, too.
10977/tcp NemSLockServer?
This might be Nemetschek SoftLock Server, but we only have the one sample, so we don't know what would make a stable fingerprint. We also aren't sure what the protocol really is. Responds with this to every probe including NULL: